Stars and Stripes Major Sponsor
Deluxe Floats & Giant Inflatable Balloons
Cost To Sponsor

Major Sponsors also receive recognition as the presenting sponsor of a designated park flag display for the Flags Over Summerlin program.
What’s Included
- Choice of one 20’ professionally decorated deluxe parade float featuring a theme, honored organization or performing group, or giant inflatable balloon entry (Selections provided by The Summerlin Council)
- Your company logo prominently displayed on a parade banner preceding entry throughout the event route.
- Company logo displayed on the truck pulling sponsored float (Vehicle and driver provided by The Summerlin Council)
- Opportunity for employees/clients to walk alongside each parade entry as outwalkers or balloon handlers.
- Recognition as a Parade Sponsor included in all press releases distributed to local media
- Complimentary half-page advertisement placed in one issue of Summerlines, the official newsletter of The Summerlin Council, distributed directly to 30,000+ Summerlin residents ($871 value)
- Logo recognition as a Parade Major Sponsor in the July issue of Summerlines
- Logo recognition as a Parade Major Sponsor on and, the official website of The Summerlin Council for Summerlin residents
- Logo recognition on the official parade promotional fan distributed to VIPs and other spectators at the event
- Twenty (20) complimentary tickets to the VIP grandstands
- An announcement by hosts recognizing event sponsorship at three locations along the parade route